Learn about the cost of hiring an OWI defense attorney in this video.
Video Transcript:
"Well it depends on whether it's an OWI 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and whether it's a misdemeanor or a felony. Right now in Wisconsin, an OWI 1st offense is still what we call a civil forfeiture. It is not a crime. Wisconsin is the only state where it's not a crime as a 1st offense, but the higher the level of the offense, generally the price increases.
Cost may also depend on a number of other factors, including your attorney's reputation, experience, billing system, and the complexity of your case.
For example, it can depend on whether you are hiring someone who has many years of experience defending these types of cases, how successful they have been, and whether that individual has a state-wide reputation.
Lawyers also have different types of billing systems, such as hourly, fixed, or by the case. If you are paying by the case, complicating factors such as an accident or prior OWIs may require more work from the attorney, resulting in higher fees."
Music: Funny Move from JewelBeat.com
Why You Should Hire an OWI Attorney
While it is possible to represent yourself for a first-offense OWI in court, it is not recommended. If you plead guilty, you will deal with hefty fines, lose your regular license for months or years, and end up with an OWI on your record.
Hiring a lawyer can be even more crucial for repeated OWI offenses, or an OWI with complicating factors such as a very high blood alcohol level or an accident that caused an injury, which can result in jail time in addition to other penalties.
According to a study done by Martindale-Nolo, 22% of defendants who hired private lawyers were able to plea-bargain for a lesser offense, compared to 0% of defendants who represented themselves.
Read Also: Hiring a Lawyer for First OWI in Wisconsin: 3 Reasons Why it's Critical
FREE 10-Minute Consultation
Wisconsin Attorney Pat Stangl, with offices in Madison and Hayward, specializes in aggressive defense for clients charged with OWI, DUI, DWI, BAC, PAC, drug possession and other criminal offense charges. Click the link below to get a FREE 10-minute consultation with Attorney Stangl, at no obligation.

Stangl Law Offices, S.C.