Get to know Madison attorney Pat Stangl in this video.
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Video Transcript
Question #1: Tell us your life story in one minute.
Tell you my life story in one minute. Born in Marshfield, Wisconsin, attended college at the UW here (University of Wisconsin - Madison), worked at the state capitol. Went to law school in St. Paul, Minnesota, as well as at the University of Wisconsin Law School, graduated, started working for a small firm. Branched out on my own in 1991, and here I am today.
Question #2: What is the most fulfilling thing about your work?
I would say achieving an excellent result for a client who is really appreciative of what you've accomplished for them.
Question #3: If you weren't a lawyer, what would you be?
If I didn't work in law, what would I be doing? Selling something. Sales somewhere. Well, if you think about it, I'm kind of a salesman right now. I sell reasonable doubt. I sell people's stories to judges and juries.
Music Credit: Arnie Bang

Stangl Law Offices, S.C.