Unlike other kinds of crimes, sexual assault, rape, and other sex offenses in Wisconsin often require individuals to register with a public catalog of current sex offenders. This is called the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.
The information in the registry is made available to law enforcement agencies, victims, neighborhood watch groups and the general public via the official State of Wisconsin Offender Web Site.
The requirements of registering can be complicated and depend on several factors, as some convictions carry mandatory registration requirements while others may not.
Even those not convicted of crimes categorized specifically as “sex crimes” can be required by a court to register if the nature of their crimes are found to be sexually motivated in one way or another.
Registering as a sex offender can carry major implications and consequences that simply cannot be ignored.
If you’ve been charged or believe you may be charged for a sex offense or sex-related crime in the future, it’s extremely important to make every effort to make a strong defense with the help of an attorney experienced in defending sex offenses in Wisconsin.
Here, we answer at some common questions about sex crime registry in Wisconsin and what you can do today to make sure you’re taking every step necessary to defend yourself.
Read Also: How to Handle a Sexual Assault Charge in Wisconsin
Who has to register as a sex offender in Wisconsin?
The Wisconsin State Statues clearly lay out when sex offender registry is mandatory.
Under Wisconsin Statute 301.45, sex offender registry is mandatory in Wisconsin for the following convictions:
- First, second, or third-degree sexual assault of an adult
- First or second-degree sexual assault of a child
- Repeated acts of sexual assault of the same child
- Sexual exploitation by a therapist
- Sexual exploitation of a child
- Trafficking a child
- Forcing a child to view or listen to sexual activity
- Incest involving a child
- Child enticement
- Use of a computer to facilitate a child sex crime
- Soliciting a child for prostitution
- Sexual assault of a child placed in substitute care or by school staff
- Exposing a child to harmful materials
- Possession of child pornography
Note that this is not an exhaustive, complete list. These are some of the crimes seen most commonly which carry mandatory sex registration requirements. Like I mentioned earlier, some laws grant courts the ability to require a conviction based on the specifics of the case in question.
Various forms of battery, false imprisonment, stalking, intimidation, lewd and lascivious behavior, solicitation, criminal trespassing, and many other crimes that can carry sexual implications and motivations can involve sex offender registration requirements.
These are covered more in-depth in Wisconsin Statute 973.048. Click here to access the full statute.
Read Also: What to Expect if Charged with Possession of Child Pornography in Wisconsin
What does it take to register as a sex offender in Wisconsin?
The Sex Offender Registration Program (SORP) requires those who register to provide the following information:
- Name and any aliases if applicable
- Identifying information (date of birth, gender, race, hair color, etc.)
- Information describing his or her convictions
- Terms of any probation or supervision
- Vehicle details
- Information about his or her employer or school
Registration information is updated annually.
Read Also: Guidelines for Sex Offenders on Halloween in Wisconsin
How long does sex offender registration last in Wisconsin?
Many sex offenses require individuals to remain registered inside the system for 15 years after being discharged from probation, supervision, or parole.
For the most serious sexual offenses, registration remains permanent for life. These convictions include:
- First or second degree sexual assault of an adult or child
- Repeat acts with a child
- Acts with a child in substitute care
- Violent acts under Chapter 980
- Two or more convictions of the same sexual offense
What are the consequences of being a registered sex offender in Wisconsin?
The repercussions of registration can be very damaging to your personal and professional life.
The U.S. Department of Justice conducted a study of the state’s registered sex offenders, which revealed many offenders reported losing their jobs, experiencing denial when looking for housing, and dissolved personal relationships.
These are all reasons why a strong defense against sex crime charges is critical.

Stangl Law Offices, S.C.